Saturday, September 10, 2016

ADULT KIDS...How well do you know your MOM? Copy, paste, and fill in the answer.
1. She is sitting in front of the TV, what is she watching? Last Man Standing
2. What does she eat on her salad? Crab
3. Name a food she hates: Brussel sprouts
4. You go out to eat and have a drink, what would she order? Miller Lite
5. Favorite music to listen to? Taylor Swift
6. What is her nickname for you?  Niblet
7. What is something she could collect? Magnets
8. What would she eat every day if she could? Ramen
9. What is her favorite cereal? Fiber One
10. What would she never wear? Crop tops
11. What is her favorite sports team? Colts
12. What is something that you do that she wishes you wouldn't do? ....
13. You bake her a cake for her birthday, what kind is it? Vanilla
14. Favorite animals? Dog
15. What could she spend all day doing?   Cuddling

Bella's answers about me, Age 8, almost 9.  :D

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